1.88kW BLDC Sensorless FOC - Sliding Mode vs Flux Observer with FW|电机控制数据集|电力电子数据集
收藏Mendeley Data2024-01-31 更新2024-06-29 收录
This dataset is in support of my planned research paper shortly to be submitted to "IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics".In this paper and dataset, speed and the position estimation of BLDC is done using the sensorless vector control method i.e., Field Oriented control (FOC) and observer. The implementation method is the known method of vector control, so any textbook can be referred, with the addition of SMO or flux observer which acts as the "Adaptive Controller" in the estimation of speed. The switching pattern of the 3-phase inverter is implemented using space vector modulation.DIfferences in this paper dataset can be seen as the author has includedperformance comparison using Sliding Mode Observer (SMO) and flux observerPWM switching frequency is varied 44 times from 20 kHz to 2 MHzOpen LoopTransfer Function CompensationRoot Loci,Closed loopAll this is implemented on 32-bit Real-Time microcontroller. The pins usage not mentioned here are used for other General-Purpose-CAN,USB, RS485 etc.PFC is not included in this simulation as it is assumed that PF = 1.There is related dataset "200W BLDC Sensorless FOC - Sliding Mode vs Flux Observer" ,DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21227/8rz1-p666These brushless motors and controllers are used in many industries including medical e.g. in Positive Airway Pressure respirators,ventilator.This study comes in handy to decide when designing in practice for industries and also for academia purposes. The author has used these results in designing new 2-3 different complex models(incomplete), may be uploaded later.