Khristiaskiy vestnik = [Christian herald], vol. 19, whole no. 208-210 (1955 January-March)|宗教传播数据集|教会活动数据集
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[description english/roman)] The Christian Herald was an informational organ of the Union of Pentecostal churches of "Assemblies of God" in South America. The journal was founded in August 1937 at the founding meeting of the Slavic Pentecostal churches of South America. Believers from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil were present at the meeting. The purpose of the journal was to "carry unity and communication of the Spirit to the midst of believers in full Gospel". The journal united Pentecostal churches and became a link which connected believers scattered all over the world. Thus, letters of Christians of Evangelical faith from Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Canada, the United States, Uruguay, Paraguay, the Philippines, China, Australia and other countries were published in the journal journal. The first issue was published in Russia in October 1937. Subsequently, the journal spread to 40 countries where the Slavic diaspora lived. The headquarters of the journal was located in Buenos Aires. Juan Zub-Zolotarow was responsible for the journal. He was a permanent editor for 42 years. The journal was published for offerings of believers. Spiritually-edifying and theological articles of Donald Gee, Alfred Goets, R. Bratslavsky, N. Vodnevsky, D. Bespalov were published in the journal. On the last pages, as a rule, information from local churches and the mission and evangelical fields of North and South America, Canada, Africa, Australia, India, Europe and China was published. Thus the activity of such evangelists as Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, T. Giks, and William Brankham was reported in detail.