
Correlation between Plant Abundance and Soil Moisture in the Saywell Woodlot and Grassland near Stong Pond|生态学数据集|土壤科学数据集

Mendeley Data2024-01-31 更新2024-06-28 收录
The data was collected on York University Campus Grounds at the Stong Pond Grassland and the Saywell Woodlot. The data was collected over a period of two days; October 19, 2015 and October 26, 2015 at approximately 3pm both days. October 19, 2015 the weather was windy with partial sun and cloud, the temperature was 15 degrees celsius. October 26, 2015 the weather was very windy and cloudy, temperature was 10 degrees celsius. The required materials for the experiment to be conducted were a 1m x 1m quadrat, a small shovel/spoon, ball. 70 replicates were done in the Grassland habitat and 70 in the Saywell Woodlot. Standing at the edge of both the habitats a ball was tossed while keeping eyes closed, ahead into the area for the placement of the quadrat. Where the ball fell was where the quadrat was centered around. The subsequent placement of quadrats followed this method. Once the quadrat was placed one person was assigned the role of estimating the percentage covered by grass and vegetation. If there was an area that was primarily soil and had no vegetation it was excluded in the calculations. For example if the quadrat had 40% grass and 20% vegetation then the remaining 40% was soil, and the total area that had any type of vegetation was 60%. Then the soil was sampled and analyzed using the United States Department of Agricultures guidelines “Estimating Soil Moisture by Feel and Appearance" [1]. Using the spoon or shovel, the soil was dug up from a depth of 3cm. The soil was taken into the palm of the hands and squeezed into a ball. Observations of the balls firmness, soil texture, soil colour, soil stains on fingers, loose particles from ball were made and used to categorize the moisture level of the soil. Soil moisture was placed into one of the four categories; 0-25%, 25-50%, 50-75% and 75-100% (least moisture to most moisture). [1] [USDA] United States Department of Agriculture. 1998. Estimating Soil Moisture by Feel and Appearance. Program Aid Number 1619.
Gayathiri Sagayarajan