Data from: Halloysite nanotube-based electrospun ceramic nanofiber mat: a novel support for zeolite membranes|材料科学数据集|纳米技术数据集
收藏DataONE2016-11-21 更新2024-06-26 收录
Some key parameters of supports such as porosity, pore shape and size are of great importance for fabrication and performance of zeolite membranes. In this study, we fabricated millimeter-thick self-standing electrospun ceramic nanofiber mats and employed them as a novel support for zeolite membranes. The nanofiber mats were prepared by electrospinning halloysite nanotubes (HNTs)/polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) composite followed by programmed sintering process. The interwoven nanofiber mats possess up to 80% porosity, narrow pore size distribution, low pore tortuosity and highly interconnected pore structure. Compared with the commercial α-Al2O3 supports prepared by powder compaction and sintering, the halloysite nanotube-based mats (HNMs) show higher flux, better adsorption of zeolite seeds, adhesion of zeolite membranes, and lower Al leaching. Four types of zeolite membranes supported on HNMs have been successfully synthesized with either in-situ crystallization or secondary growth method, demonstrating good universality of HNMs for supporting zeolite membranes.