Archival Version|地理编码数据集|地址信息数据集
收藏Mendeley Data2024-03-27 更新2024-06-27 收录
This data collection contains FIPS codes for state, county, county subdivision, and place, along with the 1990 Census tract number for each side of the street for the urban cores of 550 counties in the United States. Street names, including prefix and/or suffix direction (north, southeast, etc.) and street type (avenue, lane, etc.) are provided, as well as the address range for that portion of the street located within a particular Census tract and the corresponding Census tract number. The FIPS county subdivision and place codes can be used to determine the correct Census tract number when streets with identical names and ranges exist in different parts of the same county. Contiguous block segments that have consecutive address ranges along a street and that have the same geographic codes (state, county, Census tract, county subdivision, and place) have been collapsed together and are represented by a single record with a single address range.