Data for "Only sun-lit leaves of the uppermost canopy exceed both air temperature and photosynthetic thermal optima in a wet tropical forest"|生态学数据集|气候研究数据集
收藏DataONE2022-10-17 更新2024-06-08 收录
The data in this publication include relative humidity, air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, leaf temperature, and photosynthetic photon flux density, collected at multiple canopy heights at the Sabana Field Research station in the Luquillo Experimental Forest located in Puerto Rico. Light sensors (photosynthetically active radiation) as well as air and leaf temperature sensors installed on a canopy access tower were collected approximately six weeks during the summer of 2017 and are provided as 30-minute averages. These data, collected as a part of the Tropical Response to Altered Climate Experiment (TRACE), were focused on the exploration of vertical microclimatic gradients that occur along the tropical canopy structure. Note: Complete metadata is available within the download file. This metadata can be viewed with esri ArcGIS software or by viewing the imbedded .xml file. Coverages and grids contain a file called metadata.xml and shapefiles contain a file called (shapefile_name.xml). These files can be exported to FGDC and ISO metadata formats.