Precipitation and dry deposition chemistry concentrations and fluxes, Andrews Experimental Forest, 1969 to present|环境科学数据集|大气化学数据集
收藏Mendeley Data2024-01-31 更新2024-06-27 收录
Collection and analyses of precipitation chemistry were initiated in 1969 at the low-elevation Primary Met site, and in 1973 at a mid-elevation Hi-15 site. Rain collection samples accumulate from one week to three weeks in bulk and NADP type collectors and then are transported to Cooperative Chemical Analytical Laboratory (CCAL) for analysis. Analytes include nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, and cations and anions as well as pH, conductivity, alkalinity and particulate sediment. Concentration and volume of precipitation are combined for inflow. Dry deposition chemistry concentrations began in 1989 and are analyzed 2-4 times per year at one site. The original objectives were to evaluate precipitation chemistry inputs versus chemistry outputs in streamflow from forested watersheds. The study has evolved into a general monitoring effort for precipitation chemistry that is among the least contaminated of any within the USA. This study is conducted in conjunction with Andrews streamflow chemistry (CF002) and the U.S. National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP).