
Commercial Crew Member Data from CFEC Permits, 2012-2017|商业渔业数据集|渔业管理数据集

Mendeley Data2024-01-31 更新2024-06-27 收录
The Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC) is an independent, autonomous agency of the State of Alaska which regulates entry into Alaska's commercial fisheries. The CFEC is committed to promoting conservation and sustained-yield management of Alaska's unique fishery resources and boosting economic stability among fishermen and their dependents. The CFEC is responsible for leasing all commercial fishing permits including permits for limited-entry fisheries. Limited-entry fisheries include all state salmon fisheries, most herring fisheries, and various other fisheries. A person engaged in commercial fishing is considered a commercial fisherman and must hold a commercial fishing license. Commercial fisherman means an individual who fishes commercially for, takes, or attempts to take fish, shellfish, or other fishery resources of the state by any means, and includes every individual aboard a boat operated for fishing purposes, or in a fishing operation, who participates directly or indirectly in the taking of these raw fishery products, whether participation is on shares or as an employee or otherwise; however, this definition does not apply to anyone aboard a licensed vessel as a visitor or guest who does not directly or indirectly participate in the taking; and the term 'commercial fisherman' includes the crews of tenders, processors, catcher processors or other floating craft used in transporting fish. Persons who need to obtain a crew member license include persons handling fishing gear, the cook, the engineer and any crewmembers who assist at all in maintenance, navigation, docking and operation of the vessel (including taking aboard fish from tenders or catcher vessels). This dataset includes information about commercial crew members including license type, number, year, crew member name, and residence. The data included in this package has been modified slightly from what was provided by CFEC: typos with names were corrected and special characters were removed.
Fish, Alaska Department Of