
Transgenic Mouse Enhancer Assay - Vista Enhancer ID: mm426|转基因小鼠数据集|增强子分析数据集

Mendeley Data2024-01-31 更新2024-06-27 收录
See link to the data preparation protocols for this study in the Additional Information section See links to Genome Browser in the Additional Information section. **Enhancer location:** Mouse genome mm9, chr5:38216912-38220459 **Name:** mCF112 **Vista Enhancer ID:** mm426 **Nearest craniofacial gene or locus:** Msx1 **Enhancer expression:** positive **Tissues where active:** branchial arch, ear, eye, facial mesenchyme, genital tubercle, hindbrain, limb, midbrain, nose, somite This data set includes the following: * A .pdf file that summarizes the whole-mount data for the tested element. This file includes light microscopy whole-mount images of the LacZ reporter gene expression in mouse embryos, a summary of the annotation of the expression pattern, the DNA sequence of the tested element in Fasta format, and the sequences of the primers used to generate the test construct. Follow corresponding link in the Additional Information section to see this information in the Vista Enhancer Browser at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory * 3 movie (.avi) files: 3-D modesl generated by Optical Projection Tomography (OPT). Thresholding-based false-color representation shows unstained regions of the embryo in green, LacZ signal in red. Each of the movies represents a pass-through view of the OPT model in the coronal, sagittal, or transverse plane. See links in External Referece section to download the following movie files: Coronal plane movie, Sagittal plane movie, Transverse plane movie * 4 files in .tgz format. Each of these corresponds to one of the .avi files and unzips to a set of .png files, each of which represents the individual frames of the movie (and, in case of the transverse/sagittal/coronal movies, can be used to retrieve individual virtual sections through features of interest in .png image format). [.tgz files can be unzipped with WinZip or Stuffit on a PC or Mac. On linux, treat the file as a gzipped .tar file: gunzip < file.tgz | tar xvf - ] * Tested element.txt: Download the text files mCF112metadata.txt and mCF112Lmetadata.txt from the External Reference section .
Visel, Axel