Setup of a 3D printed wind tunnel: application for calibrating bi-directional velocity probes used in Fire Engineering Applications|3D打印数据集|火灾工程数据集
收藏Mendeley Data2024-03-27 更新2024-06-28 收录
The research presented here focuses on the development of a 3D printed wind tunnel and the relevant equipment to be used for calibrating bi-directional velocity probes (BDVP). BDVP are equipment to be used for measuring velocity flow by determining the pressure difference of hot gases generated during fires. The manufactured probes require calibration to determine the calibration factor to achieve precise measurement. The calibration is usually performed in wind tunnels which can be difficult to access due to costs, complexity and the various pieces of equipment required. The aim of the current study is to develop and assemble an inexpensive and easy-to-build bench-scale wind tunnel, with a data-logging system and fan control functionalities for fast and effective calibration of BDVP. A 3D printer with a PET-G filament is used, able to produce parts for the wind tunnel system which are durable and easy to handle and assemble. The system additionally includes an Arduino-based measuring unit with a hot-wire anemometer and temperature correction: Rev. P. This takes precise measurements; continuously logging data on a computer through a USB interface and capable of saving data on an SD card. This design provides users with parameters of velocity flow up to 4 m/s with standard deviation of 1.2 % and turbulence intensity of 1 %. The main advantages of this wind tunnel are its simplicity to build and portability. The dataset contains design files for 3d printing of the wind tunnel, BOM and wiring of electronic components. The project is prototype under development and authors are not responsible for any damages or injuries caused by inappropriate construction or operation. This source is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.