

Mendeley Data2024-01-31 更新2024-06-27 收录
Data for female reproductive output and maternal body size: Abbreviations of characters/columns (if not clear from their designations): No, this column is for technical purposes of the author; No_inv, inventary number (in the museum or in the working protocols of the primary researcher); ssp, subspecies/clade: 1 L. a. agilis, 3 L. a. exigua; reg3, code of the study sample as in Roitberg et al., 2015, Table 1; data: "real", usual data, which relate to real individuals; "sur", surrogate data which were generated for those samples where only mean values and standard deviations were available; these artificial samples were used in ANOVA/ANCOVA models (see Roitberg et al. 2015 for details and references); svl, maternal snout-vent length; cs_t, egg stage: 1 'enlarged follicles', 2 'oviductal eggs', 3 'corpora lutea', 4 'laid eggs'; cs, clutch size; m2, post-oviposition female mass; cm, clutch mass (the total mass of the freshly deposited eggs); rcm, relative clutch mass (in %); egg_m, mean egg mass per clutch; hm, mean hatchling mass per clutch ; Num, individual (study subject) number in the author's extended database. ln_rcm, natural logarithm of rcm. Abbreviations of museums: mkhar, Museum of Nature, Kharkiv National Karazin University; mkiev, National Museum of Natural History Kyiv; mtd, Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden; zfmk, Zoological Research Museum A. Koenig Bonn; zmb, Humboldt Natural History Museum Berlin; zmh, Zoological Museum Hamburg; zsm, Zoological State Collections Munich. Comment 1. The codes “mkhar” and “mkiev” do not represent established abbreviations of the corresponding museums and used for simplicity. Comment 2. Sample 3 (South Sweden) should actually include some additional values which could not be extracted from the scatterplot (Olsson, 1993: Fig. 1) because the corresponding points were superimposed. The resulting bias is obviously minor, however: the published values for mean maternal SVL, mean clutch size, and the maternal SVL-clutch size correlation (Olsson, 1993; Olsson & Shine, 1997a) are close to those of Sample 3. See Roitberg et al. (2015) for important comments to our study traits.
Roitberg, Evgeny S.