
EA-PN-TEC: EEG Evoked activity and psychoacoustic monitoring of pink noise exposure|脑电图研究数据集|心理声学监测数据集

Mendeley Data2024-03-27 更新2024-06-27 收录
Context Before being interpreted by the human brain, sound is affected by many physical factors, particularly the response of audio systems such as headphones which are variables that are not considered in many studies concerning acoustic therapies. Objective To identify changes in electroencephalographic (EEG) transient neural and psychoacoustic responses due to long-term exposure to pink noise, altered by the frequency responses of three headphone models. Design Data is a continuation of the study in "Related links". The EEG activity of participants was recorded while performing a five-alternative forced-choice psychoacoustic discrimination test on a computer before and 30 days after exposure to pink noise. The psychoacoustic test consisted of listening to a combination of three modified pink noise sounds according to headphone models: ATVIO, SHURE and APPLE. Afterward, participants were assigned to a headphone group and underwent a period of daily exposure for 20 minutes listening to pink noise according to the headphone model. Finally, participants were scheduled for a final recording session following the same procedure as the previous one. Content EEG data in GDF format of 24 individuals answering a forced-choice psychoacoustic test in two sessions. Data is divided into three groups: ATVIO (7 files), SHURE (10 files), and APPLE (7 files). Sample rate: 250 Hz. An excel spreadsheet named Answers_RT with the answers and reaction times (RT) per question and participant is provided for each session. Answers_RT worksheets: -info: explanation of sound scenarios. -Answers S1: Answers for the first EEG recording session. The first row shows the ID of every participant. Rows 2-37 have the individual answers for each scenario of the experimental paradigm. Correct answers are coded as 1, incorrect answers as 0, and nan shows questions without answers. Row 38 has the total correct answers per participant. The maximum score is 36. -Answers SF: It has the same structure as S1. The only difference is that the results correspond to the last session. -Reaction times S1 and SF: Same structure as Answers S1 and SF. The values on rows 2-37 correspond to the individual reaction times to the scenarios. Values are in seconds. Participants.txt: Text file with ID of recordings, heart rate, sex of subjects and groups. Stimulation_codes.txt: Text file with stimulation codes registered in GDF files. Codes refer to 1) instructions before listening to sounds, 2) play and stop of sounds (ATVIO, SHURE, and APPLE), 3) questions, and 4) answers. Instruments: Folder containing sounds used to explain psychoacoustic concepts and relate them to physical acoustic features. Channels.txt: Text file providing the name of the electrodes and the position in theta/phi-coordinates (second and third column, respectively).
Naal-Ruiz, Norberto