Holly's Blue Moon Paradise (Dancing Bear Base)|游戏基地建设数据集|游戏考古数据集
收藏Mendeley Data2024-01-31 更新2024-06-27 收录
The player hollyworks is one of the Galactic Hub's charter members and is renowned throughout the Hub community for her enthusiasm and generosity. One example of this was her Dancing Bear Base pearl farm, so-called because of the Grateful-Dead-appearing giant dancing bears that No Man's Sky procedurally generated on her Paradise-class world, Holly's Blue Moon Paradise. After the Atlas Rises cataclysm, hollyworks returned to her farm in order to dismantle it for resources prior to moving to the new Galactic Hub home system, leaving behind a hole in the landscape surrounded by dozens of communication stations with inscriptions of either greetings or thanks. She created a modest replacement base nearby in order to complete some basic mission-level quests in the Atlas Rises version of the game prior to departing for her permanent home, leaving behind a monument to commemorate her post-Atlas Rises departure. The communication stations are either buried or are floating so high above the landscape that a starship is required to read their inscriptions. They are largely organized in a ring, some edges of which mirror the original footprint of the base. Archival photos of Dancing Bear Base show a lush grassland and high water table. When combined with Atlas Rises-era photos, one can see where the base was positioned and how the landscape changed after the 1.3 update. This was the 5th site visited by Andrew Reinhard for the No Man's Sky Archaeological Project, and the first in which a base had been moved/deconstructed by the original builder in order to recycle resources.