Honey bees enhance pollination network stability and function|生态学数据集|授粉生物学数据集
收藏Mendeley Data2024-06-27 更新2024-06-27 收录
To investigate the richness and abundance of flower visitors, flower visitors were observed along three transects in 28 sites in 2021 and 20 sites in 2022. Each transect in each plot was surveyed for 60 min per day on four clear days without strong winds (9:00-19:00), for a total of 720 min per plot (60 min × four different days × three transects). The area of mass-flowering plants of B. rapa var. oleifera within 1 km of each plot was also recorded. Of the 48 sample plots, we defined the 24 plots with the larger area of rapeseed area as high mass-flowering crop plots (high MFC) and the other half as low mass-flowering crop plots (low MFC). If an insect came into contact with anthers or stigmas of flowers, we recorded a pollination visit without considering the pollination's effectiveness. We did not observe pollinator visits at night, because few pollinators visited flowers at low temperatures. We summed the number of pollinators observed visiting flowers over 12 hours for each network, as mentioned above. Each pollination network is composed of a quantitative adjacency matrix, which indicates the total number of visits of each pollinator to each plant species.