Clinic and laboratorial profile of Gingivostomatitis Complex in domestic cats|动物医学数据集|口腔病理学数据集
收藏Mendeley Data2024-06-25 更新2024-06-29 收录
ABSTRACT Seventy six domestic cats classified with different scores (I to IV) of oral lesions have been included in the study, being clinically examined and having blood samples and oral cavity swabs collected. Most cats diagnosed with Gingivostomatitis Complex (GSC) were male, neutered, adult, DSH, and lived confined. Clinical signs observed and related to the severity of mouth inflammation were halitosis (98.7%), ptyalism (22.4%), oral hemorrhage (9.2%), and upper lip ulcers (2.6%); discomfort during mouth examination (44.7%) and tooth loss (55,3%). Most cats have been classified as score II (43.4%). The red blood cell count showed no significant statistical difference regardless the different scores of oral lesions and clinical symptoms. However, the leukogram showed neutrophilia (21.1%) and plasmatic proteins had an increased level (47.3%), in most of the animals classified as score II, suggesting that these parameters, when increased, may be associated to less severe GSC scores. Oral cavity microscope slides analysis showed that Simonsiella spp. have been more frequent in the cytology of the score IV animals, however, it does not allow us to correlate the presence of the bacteria with the severity lesions degree.