
Sleep disturbance and dysregulation of circadian clock machinery in sudden sensorineural hearing loss

Mendeley Data2024-06-25 更新2024-06-27 收录
The cochlea contains a robust biological clock associated with auditory function, exhibiting diurnal sensitivity to noise or ototoxicity We examined the relationship between disrupted circadian rhythm and altered expression of circadian clock genes in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) and explored whether the circadian clock genes serve as prognostic biomarkers. Twelve patients with SSNHL were enrolled study group. Twelve people with normal hearing were enrolled voluntarily for comparison. Audiological evaluation was performed to evaluate hearing thresholds. Korean version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Questionnaire was performed to evaluate sleep quality and patterns. Circadian clock genes including for PERI, PER2, PER3, CRYI, CRY2, CLOCK, ARNTL, CSNKIE, and TIMELESS expression in blood were evaluated using real-time quantitative PCR method. Compared with healthy controls without hearing loss, most of the circadian clock genes were markedly downregulated, coupled with low sleep quality and disturbing patterns, in patients with SSNHL. Intriguingly, a weak correlation between hearing improvement following steroid treatment and altered levels of circadian clock genes was observed. This study provides an additional basis for the relevance of disrupted circadian rhythm to SSNHL and suggests a possible prognostic biomarker for SSNHL treatment.
Lee, Sang-Yeon